Vision Contextualization

We live in a city and a world that has been devastated by sin. As a result, many suffer from a sense of hopelessness, despair, and lack of purpose.   When Jesus looked upon the world He described the people as “distressed and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd.”  As He announced His ministry in Luke 4, Jesus said that He came to “preach the gospel to the poor, proclaim release to the captives, sight to the blind, and freedom to the downtrodden.”  Jesus came to “proclaim the favorable year of the Lord!”  He would use His life as the means of His hope and favor to a broken world!  Jesus believed, that, through Him, lives could be made new and hope could be restored!

We believe that our ministry to the city and the world encompasses everyone, everywhere.  From the business man to the beggar, the homemaker to the homeless, the affluent to the destitute, the overcomer to the addicted, the prosperous to the poor, the successful to the defeated, and the strong to the weak.

Like Paul, we believe that God has called us to become all things to all people that we may win some!  Although the needs of our city and world are diverse, we believe the solution is singular.  Jesus offered this singular solution as He dealt with both a successful wealthy ruler and a destitute blind beggar in Luke 18.  In both cases His solution was simply “follow me.”  Following Jesus will lead to the only solution that works and the potential for a life to be spiritually transformed forever.

Our Vision

We will become a catalyst of spiritual transformation in Baltimore and the World

We will use every means possible to reach everyone, everywhere

We will operate evangelistically as if Jesus is coming back today and ministerially as if Jesus isn’t coming back for a thousand years.

We will passionately and holistically address the felt needs and the spiritual emptiness  in our community, Baltimore, and our world through the vehicle of surrendered Streetlite members and strategic partners who are using their time, treasure, and talents to transform lives for Christ.

We will build a missional community that comes together to serve and impact our community, Baltimore, and the world specifically through the arts, relevant and holistic ministry to the poor, technology, business, media, church planting, education, and leadership development.

We will intentionally and strategically establish a ministry presence in the impoverished  neighborhoods throughout Baltimore and communities throughout the world.

We will establish ministries that specifically address the global giants of our world (poverty, disease, and illiteracy).

We will strategically utilize whatever influence and affluence God provides as a vehicle of hope for those who have no influence.

We will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets, the oaks of righteousness who are planted by the Lord so that He may be glorified.